Feenstra came to prominence as a contestant on cycle two of Holland's Next Top Model. She became known for her voice. Later in the show she confessed to being partly deaf at both ears due to an accident when she was a child. Feenstra gained popularity by her comic sentences and grammar mistakes, while the jury confessed not being 'wowed' by her sexy posing. However, by the end of the competition she won over the jury members with her skill at posing, and her walk. In the final Yfke Sturm (host of HNTM) called her the perfect candidate with potential for both runway and photographic modelling, and that Feenstra had the most potential of all the contestants to make it on either the national or international stage. Feenstra will star on the cover of Glamour magazine's Summer edition.
Feenstra is signed to Scoop Models in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Beatrice Model agency in Milan, Italy.
She has also played in the movie: "The Last ottoman" in a love scene with Turkish actor Kenan İmirzalıoğlu
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